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New FTX CEO says lax oversight, bad decisions caused failure

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El CEO de la criptobolsa FTX, John Ray, testifica ante el Comité de Servicios Financieros de la Cámara de Representantes sobre el colapso de la criptobolsa FTX, el martes 13 de diciembre de 2022, en Capitol Hill en Washington. (Foto AP/Manuel Balce Ceneta).

WASHINGTON – Sam Bankman-Fried, fundador y ex director general del fallido intercambio de criptomonedas FTX, ayudó a 1.500 inversionistas bahameños a retirar $100 millones de sus cuentas mientras que otros clientes de todo el mundo quedaron excluidos del intercambio, según al nuevo CEO de la compañía, quien testificó ante un comité de la Cámara el martes.

El director ejecutivo de FTX, John Ray III, que ha guiado a docenas de empresas, incluida Enron, a través de la reestructuración por bancarrota, calificó el colapso de FTX como uno de los peores fracasos comerciales que ha visto: una “quiebra sin papeles”, impulsada por una “falta de documentación sin precedentes”.

Durante casi cuatro horas, sin descanso, Ray les contó a los legisladores sobre la falta de supervisión y controles financieros que descubrió desde que asumió el control de FTX hace un mes. Encontró un préstamo en el que Bankman-Fried era tanto el emisor como el receptor. Hubo gastos aprobados por emoji. FTX no tenía contadores. Para el mantenimiento de registros, los empleados utilizaron QuickBooks, un software preempaquetado que suelen utilizar las pequeñas y medianas empresas para administrar las finanzas de FTX.

“Nada en contra de QuickBooks”, dijo Ray. “Es una herramienta muy buena,
En su apogeo, el valor de mercado de FTX superó los $ 30 mil millones.

La ausencia notable de la audiencia ante el Comité de Servicios Financieros de la Cámara fue Bankman-Fried, quien fue arrestado en las Bahamas solo unas horas antes de que testificara. El arresto se realizó a pedido del gobierno de EE. UU., que el martes contra Bankman-Fried, incluidos fraude electrónico y lavado de dinero.

El momento del arresto de Bankman-Fried frustró a muchos miembros del comité. El representante republicano William Timmons, de Carolina del Sur, calificó el momento como “extraño” y agregó que, como ex fiscal, no podía imaginar por qué un fiscal no querría “horas de interrogatorio del Congreso sobre el objetivo de una investigación”. ayudar a hacer un caso.

FTX cuando la empresa se quedó sin dinero después del equivalente en criptomonedas de una corrida bancaria. El colapso del segundo intercambio más grande de criptografía ha atraído la atención mundial y generó preocupaciones en la industria de la criptografía de que el dolor podría generalizarse. Ray estimó que faltan alrededor de $ 8 mil millones de fondos de clientes.

Algunos clientes en las Bahamas, donde se encontraba FTX, pudieron recuperar algo de dinero, dijo Ray. Eso se debe a que el gobierno de las Bahamas y Bankman-Fried acordaron permitirles sacar su dinero de FTX mientras que los clientes de otros países no podían hacerlo, dijo Ray.

Ray, quien se hizo cargo de FTX el 11 de noviembre, le dijo al comité que los problemas en FTX eran una acumulación de meses o incluso años de malas decisiones y controles financieros deficientes.

“Esto no es algo que sucedió de la noche a la mañana o en el contexto de una semana”, dijo.
Sin embargo, Ray no respondió numerosas preguntas sobre qué regulaciones podrían haber detenido el colapso de FTX. En cambio, se centró en lo inusual que era FTX: no tener una junta directiva, no tener una estructura real que prohibiera que el dinero invertido por los consumidores en FTX se transfiriera al fondo de cobertura de Bankman-Fried, Alameda Research, para otras inversiones o compras lujosas, sin los inversores originales. ‘ conocimiento.
En sus comentarios preparados, Ray pintó una imagen de una empresa que actúa con poca o ninguna supervisión.
“El colapso de FTX Group parece deberse a la concentración absoluta del control en manos de un grupo muy pequeño de personas sin experiencia y sin sofisticación que no implementaron prácticamente ninguno de los sistemas o controles que son necesarios para una empresa a la que se le confían los derechos de otras personas. dinero o bienes”, dijo Ray.

En entrevistas desde que FTX se declaró en bancarrota, Bankman-Fried reconoció que la empresa carecía de controles financieros y de gobierno corporativo adecuados, pero negó que se hubiera cometido ningún fraude.
Los fiscales estadounidenses y los reguladores financieros no estuvieron de acuerdo con esa evaluación. Una acusación revelada el martes acusó a Bankman-Fried de una serie de delitos financieros y violaciones de financiamiento de campañas, alegando que desempeñó un papel central en el rápido colapso de FTX y ocultó sus problemas al público y a los inversores. La Comisión de Bolsa y Valores dijo que Bankman-Fried usó ilegalmente el dinero de los inversionistas para comprar bienes raíces en nombre de él y su familia.
Los comentarios de Ray respaldaron esas acusaciones.

“Esto es solo malversación de fondos a la antigua, tomar dinero de otros y usarlo para sus propios fines”, dijo. “Esto no es nada sofisticado”.

Un abogado de Bankman-Fried, Mark S. Cohen, dijo el martes que está “revisando los cargos con su equipo legal y considerando todas sus opciones legales”.


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Pope in Hungary meets with Ukrainian refugees, Russian envoy

Pope Francis plunged into both sides of Russia’s war with Ukraine on Saturday, greeting some of the 2.5 million Ukrainian refugees who have fled across the border to Hungary during a public prayer service and then meeting privately with an envoy of the Russian Orthodox Church that has strongly supported the war.

Francis maintained the Vatican’s tradition of diplomatic neutrality during his second day in Budapest, where he’s on a weekend visit to minister to Hungary’s Catholic faithful.

Starting the day, he thanked Hungarians for welcoming Ukrainian refugees and urged them to help anyone in need. He called for a culture of charity in a country where the prime minister has justified firm anti-immigration policies with fears that migration threatens Europe’s Christian culture.

Speaking in the white-brick St. Elizabeth’s church, named for a princess who renounced her wealth to care for the poor, Francis recalled that the Gospel instructs Christians to show love and compassion to all, especially those experiencing poverty and “even those who are not believers.”

“The love that Jesus gives us and commands us to practice can help to uproot the evils of indifference and selfishness from society, from our cities and the places where we live — indifference is a plague —- and to rekindle hope for a new, more just and fraternal world, where all can feel at home,” he said.

Hungary’s nationalist government has implemented firm anti-immigration policies and refused to accept many asylum-seekers trying to enter the country through its southern border, leading to prolonged legal disputes with the European Union.

The conservative populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has said that migration threatens to replace Europe’s Christian culture. Orbán, who has held office since 2010, has hinged multiple election campaigns on the threats he alleges that migrants and refugees pose to Hungarians.

While Orbán’s government has consistently rejected asylum-seekers from the Middle East and Africa, around 2.5 million Ukrainians fleeing war in their country found open doors. Around 35,000 of the refugees remain in Hungary and have registered for temporary protection there, according to the U.N.

One who has chosen to stay was Olesia Misiats, a nurse who worked in a Kyiv COVID-19 hospital when she fled with her mother and two daughters on Feb. 24, 2022 — the day Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

First she went to the Netherlands, but high costs compelled her to move to Hungary, where she said she has found an apartment and given birth to her third daughter, Mila, who was in the pews Saturday with her mother and sister.

“Here it’s safe,” Misiats said of her new life. She said that she hopes to return to Kyiv one day, but for now she and her children are adapting. “I want to go back home. There it’s my life — it was my life,” she said. “But the war changed my life.”

Immediately after greeting and encouraging the refugees, Francis visited the Greek Catholic church next door, which has been providing aid to refugees. And then he met with the Russian Orthodox Church’s representative in Hungary, Metropolitan Hilarion, who developed close relations with the Vatican during his years as the Russian church’s foreign minister. The Vatican said the 20-minute meeting at the Holy See’s embassy in Budapest was “cordial.”

The Russian church’s strong support for the Kremlin’s war has rankled the Vatican and prevented a second papal meeting with Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Francis and Kirill had a 2016 encounter in Cuba that marked the first between a pope and the head of the Russian church. They had planned a second one in June, but the meeting has been indefinitely postponed over Kirill’s support for the war.

In a statement, Hilarion’s office said that he briefed Francis on the social and educational activities of the Russian church in Hungary and its relations with the Catholic Church here. He said that he gave the pope an Italian translation of a six-volume opus on the life of Christ.

Francis’ visit to Hungary, his second in as many years, is bringing him as close as he’s come to the front lines of the war. Upon arriving in Budapest on Friday, he denounced the “adolescent belligerence” that had brought war back to European soil and demanded the EU recover its values of peaceful unity to end

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As battle for Sudan continues, civilian deaths top 400

– Gunfire and heavy artillery fire persisted Saturday in parts of Sudan’s capital Khartoum, residents said, despite the extension of a cease-fire between the country’s two top generals, whose battle for power has killed hundreds and sent thousands fleeing for their lives.

With ordinary Sudanese caught in the crossfire, the civilian death toll jumped Saturday to 411 people, according to the Sudan Doctors’ Syndicate, which monitors casualties. In some areas in and around the capital, residents reported that shops were reopening and normalcy gradually returning as the scale of fighting dwindled after the shaky truce. But in other areas, terrified residents reported explosions thundering around them and fighters ransacking houses.

Now in its third week, the fighting has wounded 2,023 civilians, the syndicate added, although the true toll is expected to be much higher. The Sudanese Health Ministry put the overall death toll, including fighters, at 528, with 4,500 wounded. In the city of Genena, the provincial capital of war-ravaged West Darfur, intensified violence has killed 89 people, the Doctors’ Syndicate said.

Khartoum, a city of some 5 million people, has been transformed into a front line in the grinding conflict between Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, the commander of Sudan’s military, and Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, who leads the powerful paramilitary group known as the Rapid Support Forces. The outbreak of violence has dashed once-euphoric hopes for a democratic transition in Sudan after a popular uprising helped oust former dictator Omar al-Bashir.

Foreign countries continued to evacuate their citizens while hundreds of thousands of Sudanese fled across borders. The first convoy organized by the United States to evacuate hundreds of American citizens from the conflict reached the coastal city of Port Sudan Saturday after a dangerous overland journey escorted by armed drones.

Britain meanwhile was ending its evacuation flights Saturday, after demand for spots on the planes declined. The United Arab Emirates announced Saturday it had started evacuating its own citizens along with nationals of 16 other countries.

Over 50,000 Sudanese refugees — mostly women and children — have crossed over to Chad, Egypt, South Sudan and the Central African Republic, the United Nations said, raising fears of regional instability. Ethnic fighting and turmoil has scarred South Sudan and the Central African Republic for years while a 2021 coup has derailed Chad’s own democratic transition.

Those who escape the fighting in Khartoum face more dangers on their way to safety. The route to Port Sudan, where ships evacuate people via the Red Sea, has proven long, exhausting and risky. Hatim el-Madani, a former journalist, said that paramilitary fighters were stopping refugees at roadblocks outside Khartoum, demanding they hand over their phones and valuables.

“There’s an outlaw, bandit-like nature to the RSF,” he said, referring to Dagalo’s Rapid Support Forces. “They don’t have a supply line in place. That could get worse in the coming days.”

Airlifts from the country amid the chaotic fighting also posed challenges, with a Turkish evacuation plane even hit by gunfire outside Khartoum on Friday.

On Saturday — despite a cease-fire extended under heavy international pressure early Friday — clashes continued around the presidential palace, headquarters of the state broadcaster and a military base in Khartoum, residents said. The battles sent thick columns of black smoke billowing over the city skyline.

But in other areas, residents reported signs that the cease-fire had taken hold.

“We are not hearing the bombs as we did before, so we’re hoping that this means they will go back to a political process,” said Osman Mirgany, a columnist and editor of the daily al-Tayar, who assessed it was safe enough on Friday to return home to Khartoum after seeking refuge in a far-flung village.

But Khartoum residents are forced to live side by side with armed fighters. Many RSF militants have moved into civilian homes and taken over stores and hospitals in the capital. The paramilitary group even transformed Mirgany’s newsroom into a makeshift base, he said. Residents also must cope without sufficient electricity and running water, among other basic supplies.

“For the past 14 days we’ve suffered from a lack of everything,” Mirgany said.

Residents in the city of Omdurman, west of Khartoum, have been waiting at least three days to get fuel — complicating their escape plans.

The U.N. relief coordinator, Martin Griffiths, said that U.N. offices in Khartoum, as well as the cities of Genena and Nyala in Darfur had been attacked and looted. Genena’s main hospital was also leveled in the fighting, Sudan’s health ministry said.

“This is unacceptable — and prohibited under international law,” Griffiths said.

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Will you marry me?’ Bulgarian woman contacts News 6 to expose international romance scheme

A 52-year-old Bulgarian woman currently working in Ireland is the latest target of international imposters who use stolen photos of a handsome Carnival Cruise Line officer in an online dating scheme that steals victims’ money.

Alessandro Cinquini, 29, who is known on dating sites as “Alex the Officer,” first contacted News 6 in March 2022 when he discovered his photographs were being used to fool women from Florida to India.

Vanya Dimova contacted News 6 after seeing our reports about Cinquini on the web.

She said an Alex imposter sent her photos and videos of lavish gifts that included a shimmering engagement ring.

Alessandro Cinquini has gone public to warn women across the globe that imposters have stolen his photographs from social media platforms to create “catfish” style profiles that offer love but target money.

News 6 sent 15 questions to her in advance so Dimova could translate and prepare responses during a Zoom interview.

She said she met the Alex imposter on Instagram back on March 26. According to Dimova, the conversation went from casual to romantic very quickly.

“After two days, he told me he was in love with me,” Danya told News 6. “Every day, he tell me he want to buy a house in Bulgaria and live together.”

Cinquini told News 6 the imposters have never stopped using his photos and he assured us he never contacted Dimova.

They have my old pictures from my old life,” Cinquini said. “Most of those pictures aren’t on my Instagram anymore. I canceled them years ago.”

He told News 6 he currently works as a fleet operation center watch officer for Carnival Cruise Line.

Danya sent News 6 a voice message from a man claiming to be Alex.

“I love you, I love you,” the man said.

The voice sounded nothing like Cinquini

Danya said that voice recording was the only evidence she has. She never met the imposter face-to-face or spoke to him on FaceTime or Zoom.

Danya said she became suspicious when the imposter asked her to pay the shipping charges for her gifts. He sent her a Bank of America receipt to prove his account had been frozen.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, romance scams in the U.S alone netted an estimated $1.3 billion last year, impacting 70,000 men and women.

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