
Yale expert: This is how you build 1 trait highly successful people share

You might feel like money or external approval can make you happy. Decades of research would quickly prove you wrong.

But unlearning that mindset isn’t as easy as looking in the mirror, according to Yale University philosophy and psychology professor Tamar Gendler. The key lies in a simple trait that highly successful people share: self-awareness.

At work, self-awareness can lead to more effective communication, stronger relationships and increased creativity and productivity. For Gendler, who studies how insights from ancient scholars can solve modern problems, building the trait involves tapping into your inner Socrates.

“Socrates was willing to question everything,” Gendler said on a recent podcast episode of “The Happiness Lab,” hosted by her fellow Yale professor Dr. Laurie Santos.

The Greek philosopher, born around 470 B.C., was inquisitive and self-skeptical. His “Socratic method” involved responding to questions with questions, rather than direct answers, to help people better understand their own beliefs and capabilities.

It’s this kind of understanding people need to become more successful and happier, Gendler said. Here are her tips for training your brain into a sharper state of self-awareness:

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